
The process of making silage

2023-10-30 15:38

The process of making silage

[Harvesting] Raw materials should be harvested at the right time to obtain the most nutrients during feed production. If harvested too early, the raw materials will contain more water and less digestible nutrients; if harvested too late, the fiber content will increase, the palatability will be poor, and the digestibility will decrease.

Harvesting of corn stalks: Whole plant corn stalk silage is generally harvested during the milky maturity stage of corn seeds. After harvesting the corn stalks, the corn stalks are usually picked immediately when the corn stalks are 70% mature and the leaves have not yet withered or when 1-2 leaves at the base of the corn stems have begun to wither and yellow. On the day of picking the corn stalks, the corn stalks will be picked the next day at the latest. Corn stalks are harvested to make silage.

Harvesting of pasture: leguminous pasture is generally harvested for silage from budding to the beginning of flowering; grass forage is generally harvested for silage from booting to just heading; sweet potato vines, potato stems and leaves are generally harvested 1-2 days before harvesting or before frost. silage. After harvesting, young pastures or weeds can be siled in the sun for 2-3 hours, or mixed with corn stalks for storage.

[Kneading] In order to facilitate bagging and storage, the raw materials must be kneaded by a kneading machine. Corn straw, pine straw, vanilla straw or chicory straw must be kneaded to about 30-50cm (according to feeding needs) before silage, and can be compacted during silage.

[Storage of bales] Use a baler and use a bale net wrap or baler twine to compact and bale at a high density. This silage method is currently the most advanced, most flexible and most effective in the world.

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