Why the netting on the round bales must be removed before feeding the cattle
2024-03-25 16:29
Why the netting on the round bales must be removed before feeding the cattle
Round bales are convenient and efficient, but failure to remove plastic restraints before feeding can pose health risks to the cows that ingest it.
Big round buns are a staple food for raising cattle. You'll see them spread out on pasture, placed in feeders, chopped and curled by a bale processor, ground and mixed with other feeds into a fully mixed ration.
Sisal and plastic twine are the traditional standards, but in recent years hay producers have increasingly turned to woven plastic materials called mesh wraps. Its benefits are faster baling, reduced hay loss, and better bale integrity and drainage.
Some producers remove twine or mesh wrap before feeding, grinding/chopping, or grazing, while others leave twine or mesh wrap on the bales due to time constraints or the inability to pull twine or wrap frozen bales. Often cattle eat the feed, leaving behind twine or packages that can be collected later. However, in some cases, cattle can suffer fatal effects after ingesting too much baler twine or bale net wrap.
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